Pool Safety Tips For Children
There’s nothing more fun that spending the day paddling, wading and sloshing around in the water. When the weather is warm, it is great fun to build sandcastles at the shore or take a dip in a lake, sea or pool. While swimming is certainly enjoyable, there is always the risk of drowning. Why not ensure your safety by learning some water safety tips
Why Is Water Safety Important? Human beings must breathe air and cannot breathe underwater like the creatures of the sea. If enough water is taken into the lungs, drowning will result. Once that occurs, the lungs are not able to send sufficient oxygen to the brain and other parts of the body.
Children under the age of 14 years old commonly die from drowning; in fact, drowning is the second most commonly seen cause of death in this age group. One can drown very quickly - in even less than two minutes after becoming submerged. This means it can be difficult for someone to reach a drowning person in time.
Accidentally slipping and falling into a pool is a common cause of death among children; however, it is possible for accidents to occur anywhere, even if there is no pool. If water is present, it is possible to drown, so extreme precautions must always be observed.
Swimming Pools: Swimming pools are truly terrific! There is almost nothing nicer than taking a swim in a pool on a sunny day. However, keep in mind that a pool is generally made of cement which is a very unforgiving substance to crash into. Slipping or falling may result in pain, injury or even death.
Did you ever notice the large numbers printed on a swimming pool's interior walls? These numbers indicate the depth of the water so you know how deep or shallow the pool is at any part. Make sure to check for these markers prior to plunging into the water. Restrict diving to an actual diving board or platform. Don't try diving from the poolside unless a grownup confirms that the water is not too shallow. The depth of the water might not be as great as you imagine. Striking the bottom surface of the pool is a possibility. This is a painful occurrence! You may become knocked unconscious or risk seriously injuring your neck.
Prior to diving into the water, assess the temperature of the pool. If water is too chilly, the result may be shock to your system and elevated BP and heart rate. You may automatically try to shout out, swallowing and inhaling water in the process. In addition, chilly water can make muscles more sluggish, compromising your ability to swim.
These are smart suggestions for spending time at a pool:
- Make sure you have the supervision of a grownup when using a pool - even one at your house. Make sure to have adult supervision when at any pool.
- There is an excellent rationale for the fencing on the perimeter of swimming pool: you don't want children going in if there's no available lifeguard or other grown-up to supervise their play. Don't attempt to access a locked pool area protected by gates. Practice safety by keeping out of locked pool areas.
- Make sure you adhere to the rules regarding the pool.
- Practice the buddy system when swimming.
- When learning to swim, your flotation devices should be approved by the Coast Guard. Check to see if yours are, or ask your parents to check for you.
- When you are around a pool, you should stick to a walking pace. Never run when near a pool.
- Do not swim in water that is too deep for you to cope with safely. Stick to the shallow part of the pool if you are a novice swimmer.
- Never shove or leap onto another person. This could result in inadvertently injuring yourself or another.
- There are all sorts of enjoyable flotation devices, such as rafts, chair floats, decorative water wings, Styrofoam "noodles" and colorful beach balls in various sizes. While these toys are entertaining and even useful for learning how to swim, they aren't life-savers. Inflatable toys can become deflated or drift out of reach.
- Never eat or even chew gum when swimming; either might lead to choking.
Is it safe to swim in natural freshwater venues such as lakes and ponds? Many children go swimming in freshwater lakes, ponds and creeks. You need to exercise special precautions if you swim in natural water areas. You can't always tell how deep it is, because you may not be able to see all the way down through the water. This is one more argument for making sure you have adult supervision when swimming. While the fish swimming in the water are unlikely to harm you, trash, jagged rocks and broken bottles may be hidden in some lakes and ponds. You should have protective foot coverings on your feet. In addition, be alert for grass and plant matter that could snare the best swimmer. You could become further entangled if you attempt to jerk loose in a panic. Rather, calmly rock and pull your arms and legs to free yourself or call for help from a grownup.
Make sure to have on a flotation vest whenever you are boating. (Remember to choose a life jacket that is approved by the Coast Guard); although you might swim well, your boat can still tip over and you might find yourself trapped under the boat.
At The Beach: As much as you want to swim in the sea, you should first make yourself familiar with the relevant safety recommendations. Upon arriving at the beach, speak to the lifeguard to determine the strength of the waves. Take note of any posted indications regarding the day's swimming conditions.
There can be powerful waves and undertows at a beach. Powerful rip tides can pull you out to sea in just a matter of moments. When caught up in a current, it's wise to swim alongside the shore (parallel) instead of trying to swim across the current to the shore. When you get to a calmer point in the water, you can swim to shore. Keep treading water and signal a lifeguard for assistance if you are unable to return to the shore on your own.
You are not likely to view any dangerous sharks (but you might see a cute dolphin nearby) where you swim. However, you could encounter a man-of-war or other jellyfish. Shaped like an umbrella and almost clear, those creatures can grow to be many feet in diameter! Typically, these creatures are present floating close to the shoreline. Suffering a sting is really miserable, resulting in possible pain and blistering. In the event that you suffer a sting, let a grown-up know right away.
The following are additional effective suggestions for safety near the water:
- Get swimming lessons. Ask your mother and father to call the neighborhood American Red Cross or a local community center to learn more information about classes on water safety and boating.
- Remember to drench yourself in SPF lotion prior to heading outdoors. It is also wise to wear a hat and sunglasses to shield your skin from damaging UV rays of the sun.
- If you detect the presence of a storm, immediately quit swimming or boating. Keep in mind that lightning possesses an electrical charge, and electricity plus water is a formula for disaster.
- You should restrict your swimming to daylight hours.
- Be sure to have a good and safe time every time you swim!
Tip: Having a clean pool is important to safe swimming. Contact a Houston pool cleaning service if you need help cleaning your pool.